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Asp Breadcrumb Class
My current employer Etelesolv ( had a client that, as part of their new website, required that required breadcrumb nav. The project was to use ASP . I had used the BreadCrumbs PHP Class, by Richard Baskitt, for a couple of projects and I wanted to have a class similar to it that would easily implement this type of navigation. The closest thing I could find on the web was Adrian Roselli's "Breadcrumbs for Those Using ASP" article.So I proceded to use the Breadcrumb PHP Class model and implement some of Adrien's string manipulation methods with a touch of ASP 101 for the PCase method, to create a reusable piece of code that our developers could use on any of their projects. I now share it with you.... (dramatic reverberation)Here is the code:<%'BreadCrumb Class v1.0'Created by Jason Irving Copyright 2005 -'Last Update January 24, 2005'This class was heavily influenced by Breadcrumbs PHP Class @'the build method was inspired by breadcrumb.asp Version 1.0 by Adrian Roselli @'********Properties
'cssClass : string - css stylesheet class for the <a> tag'to separate the style for the delimiter, use the following css syntax example' mystyle { color: blue; }' mystyle a {color: red; }' the delimiter will be in the first style, the link in the second'Homepage : string - name of the homepage'Uscore2Space : boolean string (1, yes, true) - replace underscores with " " space'wordCase : string (mixed, upper, lower) - 'Delimiter : string - the text delimiter between elements'showFiles : boolean string (1, yes, true) - append the name of the viewed file to menu'showFilesNoExt: boolean string (1, yes, true) - append the name of the viewed file to menu without extension, overrides showFiles''*********Methods
'build() - print the menu'changeName : string tag, string, str - Hashtable of elements and replacement wordsclass clsBreadCrumb
Private strDelimiter
Private dictReplaceWords Private strPath Private strCSSClass Private strHomePage Private bolUscore2Space Private bolShowFiles Private bolShowFilesNoExt Private strCaseFormat Private Sub Class_Initialize() strCSSClass = "" strHomePage = "home" strPath = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO") bolUscore2Space = "1" strCaseFormat = "mixed" bolShowFiles = "1" bolShowFilesNoExt = "0" strDelimiter = ">" set dictReplaceWords = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") End SubPrivate Sub Class_Terminate() dictReplaceWords = nothing End Sub
'*****SET Public Property Let cssClass(str) strCSSClass = " class='" & str & "'" End Property Public Property Let Homepage(str) strHomePage = str End Property Public Property Let showFiles(str) if lcase(trim(str)) = "1" or lcase(trim(str)) = "yes" or lcase(trim(str)) = "true" then bolShowFiles = 1 else bolShowFiles = 0 end if End Property Public Property Let showFilesNoExt(str) if lcase(trim(str)) = "1" or lcase(trim(str)) = "yes" or lcase(trim(str)) = "true" then bolShowFilesNoExt = 1 else bolShowFilesNoExt = 0 end if End Property Public Property Let Uscore2Space(str) if lcase(trim(str)) = "1" or lcase(trim(str)) = "yes" or lcase(trim(str)) = "true" then bolUscore2Space = 1 else bolUscore2Space = 0 end if End Property Public Property Let wordCase(str) if lcase(trim(str)) = "mixed" or lcase(trim(str)) = "upper" or lcase(trim(str)) = "lower" then strCaseFormat = lcase(trim(str)) else strCaseFormat = "mixed" end if End Property Public Property Let Delimiter(str) strDelimiter = Server.HTMLEncode(trim(str)) End Property '*********Methods*************Public Function changeName(tag,str)
dictReplaceWords.add lcase(tag), lcase(str) End Function Public Function Build()dim tmpPathdim strTmpPathdim DirPathdim FullPathdim strContentFullPath = strPath
response.write ("")Do Until instr(1,FullPath,"/") = 0
'Split the string on the "/"
strTmpPath = Trim(mid(FullPath,1,instr(1,FullPath,"/")-1)) DirPath = DirPath & strTmpPath & "/"'Replace the underscore with a space if the option is set
if bolUscore2Space = 1 then strTmpPath = Replace(Trim(strTmpPath),"_"," ") end if if dictReplaceWords.exists(lcase(strTmpPath)) then strTmpPath = dictReplaceWords.item(strTmpPath) end if 'Apply the appropriate case to the entry 'get the next directory FullPath = mid(FullPath,instr(1,FullPath,"/")+1,Len(FullPath)-Len(tmpPath)) 'create the filename entry if applicable dim tmpFileName dim tmpFileNameLabel tmpFileName = FullPath if instr(1,tmpFileName,"/") = 0 then if bolShowFilesNoExt = "1" then dim intPos intPos = InStrRev(tmpFileName , ".", -1, 1) if intPos > 0 Then tmpFileNameLabel = Left(tmpFileName , intPos - 1) end if else tmpFileNameLabel = tmpFileName end if else tmpFileName = "" end if select case lcase(strCaseFormat) case "mixed" strTmpPath = PCase(strTmpPath) strHomePage = PCase(strHomePage) case "upper" strTmpPath = UCase(strTmpPath) strHomePage = UCase(strHomePage) case "lower" strTmpPath = LCase(strTmpPath) strHomePage = LCase(strHomePage) case else strTmpPath = PCase(strTmpPath) strHomePage = PCase(strHomePage) end select'add home page link if strTmpPath = "" then response.write "" & strHomePage & "" else response.write " " & strDelimiter & " " & strTmpPath & "" end if if tmpFileName <> "" then if bolShowFiles = "1" or bolShowFilesNoExt = "1" then response.write " " & strDelimiter & " " & tmpFileNameLabel & "" end if end if Loopresponse.write ("")End Function
' This function takes a string and converts to Proper Case.' Prototyped by: Brian Shamblen on 3/18/99' This version by: Us... naturally! - ASP 101'************************************************************private Function PCase(strInput)
Dim iPosition ' Our current position in the string (First character = 1) Dim iSpace ' The position of the next space after our iPosition Dim strOutput ' Our temporary string used to build the function's output' Set our position variable to the start of the string.
iPosition = 1 ' We loop through the string checking for spaces. ' If there are unhandled spaces left, we handle them... Do While InStr(iPosition, strInput, " ", 1) <> 0 ' To begin with, we find the position of the offending space. iSpace = InStr(iPosition, strInput, " ", 1) ' We uppercase (and append to our output) the first character after ' the space which was handled by the previous run through the loop. strOutput = strOutput & UCase(Mid(strInput, iPosition, 1)) ' We lowercase (and append to our output) the rest of the string ' up to and including the current space. strOutput = strOutput & LCase(Mid(strInput, iPosition + 1, iSpace - iPosition))' Note:
' The above line is something you may wish to change to not convert ' everything to lowercase. Currently things like "McCarthy" end up ' as "Mccarthy", but if you do change it, it won't fix things like ' ALL CAPS. I don't see an easy compromise so I simply did it the ' way I'd expect it to work and the way the VB command ' StrConv(string, vbProperCase) works. Any other functionality is ' left "as an exercise for the reader!" ' Set our location to start looking for spaces to the ' position immediately after the last space. iPosition = iSpace + 1 Loop' Because we loop until there are no more spaces, it leaves us
' with the last word uncapitalized so we handle that here. ' This also takes care of capitalizing single word strings. ' It's the same as the two lines inside the loop except the ' second line LCase's to the end and not to the next space. strOutput = strOutput & UCase(Mid(strInput, iPosition, 1)) strOutput = strOutput & LCase(Mid(strInput, iPosition + 1))' That's it - Set our return value and exit
PCase = strOutputEnd Functionend class %>
To implement it on a page, simply do the following
<%dim objBreadCrumbset objBreadCrumb = new clsBreadCrumb'Set a property
objBreadCrumb.wordCase = "upper"' Changes the instance of a directory called "about" to "about this site"
objBreadCrumb.changeName("about", "about this site")
Use the guides at the top of the class source code and VOILA! a breadcrumb nav.
Jason Irving