This is the plain text version -- there is an Excel sheet available (
see below).
Product index:
Publisher, and
Product: Access 2000
Shortcut Key | Function |
ALT+F11 | Switch between the Visual Basic Editor and the previous active window |
CTRL+' | Insert the data from the same field in the previous record |
CTRL+: | Insert the current time |
CTRL+; | Insert today's date |
CTRL+C | Copy |
CTRL+ENTER | Insert a carriage return in a memo or text field |
CTRL+F | Find and replace |
CTRL+N | Open a new database |
CTRL+O | Open an existing database |
CTRL+P | Print |
CTRL+S | Save |
CTRL+V | Paste |
CTRL+Z | Undo |
ESC | Undo the changes you have made to the current field |
ESC ESC (press ESC twice) | Undo the changes you have made to the current record |
F11 | Display the database window |
Product: Excel 2000
Shortcut Key | Function |
CTRL+: | Insert the current time |
CTRL+; | Insert today's date |
CTRL+` (single left quotation mark) | Alternate between displaying cell values and displaying cell formulas |
CTRL+1 | Display the Format Cells dialog box |
CTRL+A | Select all (when you are not entering or editing a formula) |
CTRL+A | When you enter a formula, display the Formula Palette after you type a function name |
CTRL+C | Copy |
CTRL+END | Move to the last cell on the worksheet, which is the cell at the intersection of the rightmost used column and the bottommost used row (in the lower-right corner), or the cell opposite the home cell, which is typically A1 |
CTRL+ENTER | Fill the selected cell range with the current entry |
CTRL+HOME | Move to the beginning of the worksheet |
CTRL+O | Open |
CTRL+P | Print |
CTRL+S | Save |
CTRL+SPACEBAR | Select the current column |
CTRL+V | Paste |
CTRL+Z | Undo |
F11 or ALT+F1 | Create a chart that uses the current range |
F5 | Display the Go To dialog box |
F9 | Calculate all sheets in all open workbooks |
SHIFT+F3 | Paste a function into a formula |
SHIFT+F9 | Calculate the active worksheet |
SHIFT+SPACEBAR | Select the current row |
Product: FrontPage 2000
Shortcut Key | Function |
CTRL+/ | Display HTML tags |
CTRL+B | Bold |
CTRL+C | Copy |
CTRL+I | Italic |
CTRL+K | Create a hyperlink |
CTRL+N | Create a new page |
CTRL+O | Open |
CTRL+P | Print |
CTRL+S | Save |
CTRL+SHIFT+B | Preview a page in a Web browser |
CTRL+T | Create an AutoThumbnail of the selected picture |
CTRL+U | Underline |
CTRL+V | Paste |
CTRL+Z | Undo |
SHIFT+ALT+F11 | Display the Microsoft Script Editor |
Product: Outlook 2000
Shortcut Key | Function |
CTRL+A | Select all |
CTRL+BACKSPACE | Delete a word |
CTRL+C | Copy |
CTRL+D | Delete an e-mail message, contact, calendar item, or task |
CTRL+P | Print |
CTRL+Q | Mark an e-mail message as read |
CTRL+SHIFT+A | Open an appointment |
CTRL+SHIFT+B | Open the address book |
CTRL+SHIFT+C | Open a contact |
CTRL+SHIFT+F | Open the Advanced Find dialog box |
CTRL+SHIFT+I | Switch to Inbox |
CTRL+SHIFT+K | Open a task |
CTRL+SHIFT+M | Open an e-mail message |
CTRL+SHIFT+O | Switch to Outbox |
CTRL+SHIFT+Q | Open a meeting request |
CTRL+V | Paste |
CTRL+Z | Undo |
F11 | Make the Find a Contact box active |
F5 or CTRL+M | Check for new mail |
Product: PhotoDraw 2000
Shortcut Key | Function |
CTRL+A | Select all |
CTRL+C | Copy |
CTRL+D | Duplicate a selected object |
CTRL+DOWN ARROW | Move a selected object backward in the picture |
CTRL+G | Group two or more selected objects |
CTRL+O | Open |
CTRL+P | Print |
CTRL+S | Save |
CTRL+T | Add text to a picture |
CTRL+U | Ungroup objects |
CTRL+UP ARROW | Move a selected object forward in the picture |
CTRL+V | Paste |
CTRL+Z | Undo |
F11 | Zoom to background |
F2 | Show or hide a workpane |
F3 | Show or hide the Picture List |
RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW | Nudge the object that is selected on the workspace one unit to the right or left |
SHIFT+F10 | Display a shortcut menu that shows a list of commands relevant to the selected object |
SPACEBAR | Hide the selection box and resize handles of a selected object |
UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW | Nudge the object that is selected on the workspace one unit up or down |
Product: PowerPoint 2000
Shortcut Key | Function |
ALT+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW | Promote a paragraph |
ALT+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW | Demote a paragraph |
CTRL+A | Select all |
CTRL+B | Bold |
CTRL+BACKSPACE | Delete a word |
CTRL+C | Copy |
CTRL+D | Make a duplicate of the current slide |
CTRL+EQUAL SIGN (=) | Apply subscript formatting |
CTRL+F | Find |
CTRL+G | View guides |
CTRL+I | Italicize |
CTRL+K | Insert a hyperlink |
CTRL+M | Insert a new slide |
CTRL+O | Open |
CTRL+P | Print |
CTRL+PLUS SIGN (+) | Apply superscript formatting |
CTRL+S | Save |
CTRL+T | Open the Font dialog box |
CTRL+V | Paste |
CTRL+Z | Undo |
F4 or CTRL+Y | Repeat your last action |
F5 | Start a slide show |
F6 | Switch to the next pane (clockwise) |
SHIFT+F3 | Capitalize |
SHIFT+F6 | Switch to the previous pane (counterclockwise) |
Product: Publisher 2000
Shortcut Key | Function |
ALT+DOWN ARROW | Nudge down |
ALT+LEFT ARROW | Nudge to the left |
ALT+RIGHT ARROW | Nudge to the right |
ALT+UP ARROW | Nudge up |
CTRL+A | Select all text in a text frame, the entire story in connected text frames, or all text in a table cell |
CTRL+C | Copy |
CTRL+K | Insert a hyperlink for the selected object on a Web page |
CTRL+M | Move between the background and the foreground page |
CTRL+N | Create a new publication |
CTRL+O | Open an existing publication |
CTRL+P | Print part or all of a publication |
CTRL+S | Save changes to a publication |
CTRL+SHIFT+C | Copy formatting |
CTRL+SHIFT+N | Add a page after the current page |
CTRL+SHIFT+V | Paste formatting |
CTRL+SPACEBAR | Return character formatting to the current text style |
CTRL+T | Make transparent or opaque |
CTRL+V | Paste |
CTRL+Z | Undo |
ENTER | Begin a new paragraph |
F5 | Go to page... |
F7 | Check spelling |
F9 | Move between the current page view and actual size view |
SHIFT+ENTER | End one line and begin another without starting a new paragraph |
Product: Word 2000
Shortcut Key | Function |
CTRL+A | Select all |
CTRL+B | Bold |
CTRL+BACKSPACE | Delete a word |
CTRL+C | Copy |
CTRL+END | Go to the end of the document |
CTRL+F | Find and replace |
CTRL+G | Go to page, section, line, etc. |
CTRL+HOME | Go to the beginning of the document |
CTRL+I | Italicize |
CTRL+K | Insert a hyperlink |
CTRL+O | Open |
CTRL+P | Print |
CTRL+S | Save |
CTRL+SHIFT+END | Select to the end of the document |
CTRL+SHIFT+HOME | Select to the beginning of the document |
CTRL+V | Paste |
CTRL+Z | Undo |
F4 or CTRL+Y | Repeat your last action |
SHIFT+F3 | Change case |
SHIFT+F7 | Open the thesaurus |
There's a real spiffy Excel version of the above information availableon
this pageon the Microsoft site. In fact, that's where I, um, borrowed the above information from.
I guess reproducing the entire contents of the Excel file goes a bit beyond"fair use" from a copyright perspective, but the reason I'm doing itis to make two comments about usability.
1. Why download?
First of all, to use the Microsoft Excel sheet, you have to download it.That in itself is a weird process, but fortunately, they (Microsoft) give you really clear instructions about how to download it and set it up on your hard drive.
The weird part is that first you have to download a self-extracting executable file,
, which weighs in at 93,208 bytes.
When you execute this file, it disgorges an Excel file,
A List of Useful Office 2000 Shortcut Keys.xls
(sic),which weighs in at 29,104 bytes.
I guess the reason this is a two-step process is that they couldn't just link to the Excel file directly, because of the propensityof, ahem, certain browsers to actually try to open up the spreadsheet in the browserrather than launching Excel. I'm guessing, but I think that if this Excel file opens in certain browser versions (although it worked fine in Internet Explorer 4.01), the Excel filters (see below)that provide the spiffiness might not "work" properly.
Or maybe they just didn't want people to keep hitting their server.
I think it's a lot easier to have a bookmark to a pagelike this one where the answers are immediately available.If people are going to be offline a lot, they can save the HTML fileand bookmark it on their C drive.
2. Why Excel?
Secondly, to use the Microsoft Excel sheet, every time you want to refer to it, you have to find it, double-click it, and thereby fire up Excel.I don't know about you, but I'm not one of these people whokeeps Excel running in the background all the time -- I've got better things to waste RAM on.Also, rumour has it there's an entire flight simulator gamebuilt into Excel -- I sure don't need crap like thatslowing down my computer.
Nevertheless, the spreadsheet
is really kind of neat. There are three columns -- Product, Activity, and Shortcut Keys -- each of which has an Excel filter programmed into a dropdown thingie which hides all but the item you can select, via the dropdown, a specific Product and a specific Activity, and then read off on the same line what the keyboard shortcut is.
What is the purpose of this, I wonder? Can it bejust so that you can find stuff withouthaving to scroll through the spreadsheet? That seems valid, but from a usabilityperspective, are those dropdown thingies
reallyeasier to use than scrolling?
Also, the Microsoft download page suggests that you can print off selected pages for each Product and keep them near your computer.So this might beanother valid reason. I mean, you could print out
this page too,but it would have all the products on it, not just the one you select for printing.
You know what? Maybe it's me, but aplain, ordinary HTML web page approach seems a lot simplerfrom a usability perspective. And I'msaying this as a web surfer, a seeker of information,not as someone who knows how to build a web page -- and I'd like to think there are people in Microsoft who feel this way too.
I guess in the long run,everyone must make up his or her own mind about usability.
For those who want to try the Excel sheet,here's that link to the Microsoft page again --
Office 2000 Document: A List of Useful Shortcut Keys